Meet Bella! ....yes, Bella the boxer!

She is our new "regular". Her mom is an EMT and Bella stays with us 2 nights a week. It's great for everyone. Her mom is able to plan weeks in advance and not worry about her dog being alone. It's nice for Bella because she can have the comfort and stability of returning to the same place every week. It's also awesome for me! I tend to get attached to the dogs who stay with us. It's always a little sad when it's time to say goodbye and send them back home. I love knowing that when I say "good-bye Bella", it's only for a few days! hahaha!

Bella is so goofy and full of energy, she cracks me up. She is also the biggest love-bug I have ever met. She will lean ALL hear weight against you and slowly sllllliiiide down into a good position and fall asleep. She will lay with you like that for hours. It's so sweet! :-)
Helping me with my homework.....
What a cutie! Boxers are such goofs. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful dog!