Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Puppy Time With Kadan

Last week Kadan stayed with us for a few days. He is a 9 month old lab mix. He was really sweet. He would crawl up on the couch and would actually sit ON me. I kept telling my husband that he was just a big baby. He is certainly a people loving dog. He is also a TOY loving dog! 

 Here he is laying in his "path of destruction"  haha!!
 He looks pretty proud of himself , don't ya think?  :-)

Then he found a big stick!  haha!!!

This picture with his tongue hanging out makes me laugh. Such a silly puppy dog.
He is coming back in February to stay with us for 2 weeks. I'm looking forward to seeing this happy face again.

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute puppy! Oh my gosh, I could just eat him up! :)
